Coronavirus Information

For update to date goverment guidance on coronavirus visit
If you think you might have coronavirus or you’ve been in close contact with someone who has it visit NHS 111 online coronavirus service for advice.
Are you a Vulnerable Patient
Guidance on shielding and protecting extremely vulnerable people
How to get support for extremely critical vulnerable person
Advice for people at higher risk – those who are 70 or older, are pregnant or have a condition that increases the risks from coronavirus.
Covid-19 Vaccination Certification
From 17th May 2021, patients in England who have had a full course of the COVID-19 vaccine can demonstrate their COVID-19 vaccination status for international travel and check their Covid-19 vaccination record within the NHS App.
Please Click to Download NHS App
Alternatively, please click the below link to request a letter showing your COVID-19 vaccination status-
You can use this service if the following apply:
- You have had 2 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine
- You had your vaccination in England
- You are aged 16 or over
You can use this service 2 weeks after you've had your 2nd dose.
A letter will be sent within 5 working days.
Covid Vaccination Advice
The Suffolk and North East Essex ICS has launched a brand-new website which aims to offer a single, comprehensive and accurate source of information about Covid-19 and vaccinations.
Visit the website here -
The new website contains the very latest information on the ongoing vaccination programme in order to give people clarity on this major situation including:
- Most up-to-date information on who is eligible to receive the vaccine
- Latest details of locations of vaccination centres
- Updates on progress of the local vaccination programme
- Accurate information on efficacy and safety of the vaccines
- A Q&A section covering the most commonly asked questions
- Interviews with people who have received the vaccine and staff who are delivering the programme
The Covid Vaccination helpline is available for all patients who have a query regarding Covid Vaccinations - 0344 257 3961
Mental Wellbeing During Covid-19
COVID-19 means we are all experiencing an unprecedented situation. Everyone reacts differently, and we will have periods where we find it more difficult to deal with. It’s okay not to feel okay. Talking to someone can often help.
Visit NHS Every Mind Matters for advice, practice advice and support groups.
If you cannot wait to see a doctor and feel unable to cope or keep yourself safe, it’s important to get support.
Do you have a Pre-Existing Condition?
Macmillan – Cancer & Covid-19
Asthma UK – What to do if you have asthma
Blood Cancer UK – Information for people affected by blood cancer
Diabetes UK – Coronavirus & Diabetes
Kidney Care UK – Guidance for patients with chronic kidney disease
Antibody Testing
Unfortunately our local laboratories are NOT currently set up to accommodate Covid-19 Antibody testing, and our Local CCG are actively looking for ways in which we can make this service available in our area. Therefore, we are NOT currently able to offer Covid-19 Antibody testing to our patients so please DO NOT contact the practice regarding this matter.